Esta semana pasada se ha celebrado otro gran torneo de Warhammer 40000 en España y sin duda allí hay buenas Listas Competitivas que ver con sabor rico español.
Así que gracias a Tozudos 40k podemos conocer muy bien estas tres listas TOP 3 del torneo de La Voz de Horus Open que os mostramos a continuación.

Así que atentos a ellos y coge buenas ideas que te pueden proporcionar.

Una lista muy bonita y variada de Hermanas de Batalla que tiene muchas tropas variadas y que sin duda se sale de las habituales mucho más culoduro o repetitivas pero que es más complicada de controlar. Pero en buenas manos…. Campeona.
++ Army Roster (Imperium – Adepta Sororitas) [2,000pts] ++
Detachment Choice: Bringers of Flame
+ Epic Hero +
Morvenn Vahl [160pts]
Triumph of Saint Katherine [190pts]
+ Character +
Canoness [55pts]: Blessed blade, Condemnor boltgun, Iron Surplice of Saint Istalela
Dialogus [50pts]: Fire and Fury
Dialogus [30pts]
Dialogus [30pts]
Palatine [60pts]: Plasma pistol, Righteous Rage
+ Battleline +
10 Battle Sisters Squad [115pts]: 1x Simulacrum Imperialus, 1x Multi-melta, 1x Meltagun. 1x Sister Superior: Condemnor boltgun, Power weapon
+ Infantry +
10 Dominion Squad [115pts]: 1x Simulacrum Imperialis, 4x Ministorum Flamer. Dominion Superior: Condemnor boltgun, Power weapon
10 Dominion Squad [115pts]: 1x Simulacrum Imperialis, 4x Meltagun. Dominion Superior: Condemnor boltgun, Power weapon
10 Seraphim Squad [170pts]: 8x Ministorum Hand Flamers. Seraphim Superior: Bolt Pistol, Plasma Pistol.
10 Seraphim Squad [170pts]: 8x Ministorum Hand Flamers. Seraphim Superior: Bolt Pistol, Plasma Pistol.
+ Vehicle +
Castigator [150pts]: Castigator battle cannon, Hunter-Killer Missile, Storm bolter
Castigator [150pts]: Castigator battle cannon, Hunter-Killer Missile, Storm bolter
3 Paragon Warsuits [210pts]: Multi-melta, Paragon Storm Bolters, Paragon War Blade
+ Dedicated Transport +
Immolator [115pts]: Hunter-Killer Missile, Twin Multi-melta
Immolator [115pts]: Hunter-Killer Missile, Twin Multi-melta++ Total: [2,000pts] ++

Lista acribilladora de disparos clásica del Imperio Tau que lleva tres Riptides en un destacamento Mont´Ka
T’au Empire Keziah
++ Army Roster (Xenos – T’au Empire) [2,000pts] ++
Detachment: Mont’ka
+ Epic Hero +
Darkstrider [60pts]
+ Character +
Cadre Fireblade [50pts]. 2x Gun Drone: 2x Twin pulse carbine
Commander in Enforcer Battlesuit [105pts]: 3x Burst cannon, Cyclic ion blaster, Strike Swiftly, Warlord. 2x Gun Drone: 2x Twin pulse carbine
+ Battleline +
10 Breacher Team [100pts]. Breacher Fire Warrior Shas’ui: 1x Guardian Drone, 1x Gun Drone.
+ Infantry +
10 Pathfinder Team [90pts]. Pathfinder Shas’ui: Semi-automatic grenade launcher, 1x Recon drone, 1x Shield Drone, 1x Gun Drone. 3x Pathfinders w/ ion rifle
3 Stealth Battlesuits [60pts]. Stealth Shas’vre: Battlesuit support system, Fusion blaster, Marker Drone, Shield Drone
3 Stealth Battlesuits [60pts]. Stealth Shas’vre: Battlesuit support system, Fusion blaster, Marker Drone, Shield Drone
3 Stealth Battlesuits [60pts]. Stealth Shas’vre: Battlesuit support system, Fusion blaster, Marker Drone, Shield Drone
+ Vehicle +
2 Broadside Battlesuits [180pts]: Heavy rail rifle, Twin smart missile system, Weapon support system. 2x Missile Drone
3 Crisis Starscythe Battlesuits [110pts]: 6x Burst cannon, 3x Gun Drone, 2x Shield Drone, 1x Marker Drone
Ghostkeel Battlesuit [160pts]: Battlesuit support system, Cyclic ion raker, Twin fusion blaster
Hammerhead Gunship [145pts]: Ion cannon, 2x Seeker missile. 2 Accelerator burst cannons
Piranha [55pts]: Piranha fusion blaster, 2x Seeker missile
Riptide Battlesuit [180pts]: Heavy burst cannon, Twin smart missile system. 2x Missile Drone: 2x Missile pod
Riptide Battlesuit [180pts]: Ion accelerator, Twin smart missile system. 2x Missile Drone: 2x Missile pod
Riptide Battlesuit [180pts]: Ion accelerator, Twin smart missile system. 2x Missile Drone: 2x Missile pod
Sky Ray Gunship [140pts]. 2 Accelerator burst cannons
+ Dedicated Transport +
Devilfish [85pts]: 2x Seeker missile. 2 Twin pulse carbines++ Total: [2,000pts] ++

Tenemos una lista de los Angeles Oscuros Gladius donde destaca con sus 15 caballeros y sus dos Vindicator no muy habituales.
DA Opción 1 (2000 points)
Space Marines – Dark Angels – Gladius Task Force
Apothecary Biologis (85 points). Warlord. Enhancement: Fire Discipline
5 Assault Intercessors with Jump Packs (80 points). 1x Assault Intercessor Sergeant: Hand flamer, Power fist. 4x Assault Intercessors with Jump Packs: 1x Plasma pistol
5 Assault Intercessors with Jump Packs (80 points). 1x Assault Intercessor Sergeant: Hand flamer, Power fist. 4x Assault Intercessors with Jump Packs: 1x Plasma pistol
5 Deathwing Knights (235 points). 1x Watcher in the Dark. 1x Knight Master: Relic weapon. 4x Deathwing Knight: Mace of absolution
5 Deathwing Knights (235 points). 1x Watcher in the Dark. 1x Knight Master: Relic weapon. 4x Deathwing Knight: Mace of absolution
5 Deathwing Knights (235 points). 1x Watcher in the Dark. 1x Knight Master: Relic weapon. 4x Deathwing Knight: Mace of absolution
6 Eradicator Squad (190 points): 4x Melta rifle, 2x Multi-melta
5 Infiltrator Squad (100 points): 1x Helix Gauntlet, 1x Infiltrator Comms Array
Repulsor (180 points): 1x Hunter-slayer missile, 1x Las-talon, 1x Repulsor defensive array, 1x Twin lascannon
5 Scout Squad (65 points): 1x Missile launcher, 1x Scout sniper rifle
5 Scout Squad (65 points): 1x Missile launcher, 1x Scout sniper rifle
Vindicator (175 points): 1x Demolisher cannon, 1x Hunter-killer missile, 1x Storm bolter
Vindicator (175 points): 1x Demolisher cannon, 1x Hunter-killer missile, 1x Storm bolter
Callidus Assassin (100 points)
Ahora ya puedes darle al cerebro y ver que ricas cosas puedes incluir en tu propia lista «inspirada» en estas tan poderosas.