Nuevamente llegan desde Tozudos 40k las últimas listas interesantes de los grandes Torneos de Warhammer 40000 de este pasado fin de semana.
Listas que han ganado en los grandes torneos internacionales y que siempre por FanHammer estudiamos y os damos para que adopteis ideas para las vuestras.

Esta Lista nos une cosas potentes como son el siempre poderoso Yncarne con un buen número de tropas del mundo astronave y Baharroth
1º Battle for Salvation – Daniel Wohlmuth – Ynnari – 6/0
Ynnari List [2000pts, 1CP]
Battalion Detachment 0CP (Asuryani) [89pl, 1760pts]
Craftworld: Ynnari
NFOS: 3 Warlock Skyrunners [5pl, 105pts] Protect/Jinx, Conceal/Reveal
HQ: The Yncarne [13pl, 260pts]
HQ: Farseer Skyrunner [6pl, 125pts]: Fateful Divergence, Ghostwalk, Warlord(-1CP):Mark of the Incomparable Hunter, Relic(-1CP):Kurnous Bow
TR: 5 Rangers [4pl, 65pts]
TR: 5 Rangers [4pl, 65pts]
TR: 10 Troupe [9pl, 160pts] Caress x1, Embrace x1, Kiss x4
TR: 5 Wyches [3pl, 55pts] Hypex
EL: 5 Striking Scorpions [5pl, 110pts] Biting Blade, Crushing Blows
EL: 5 Howling Banshees [5pl, 110pts] Mirrorswords, Piercing Strikes
EL: 5 Howling Banshees [4pl, 95pts] Mirrorswords, Relic(-1CP): Cronescream
FA: 5 Windriders [6pl, 150pts] x5, Shuriken Cannon
FA: 9 Swooping Hawks [8pl, 180pts]
FA: 3 Shining Spears [6pl, 130pts]: Shuriken Cannon, Paragon Saber, Shimmershield, Heartstrike, Relic: Khaines Lance
HS: War Walker [5pl, 85pts] Brightlance x2
HS: War Walker [5pl, 65pts] x1, Shuriken Cannon x2
Auxiliary Support Detachment -2CP (Asuryani) [7pl, 160pts]
HQ: Baharoth [7pl, 160pts]
Fortification Network 0CP (Asuryani) [4pl, 80pts]
For: Webway Gate [4pl, 80pts]
Totals: 1 CP, 16 Units
Assassinate: 10VP (3 Characters), Bring it Down: 4VP (3 Vehicles), No Prisoners: 7VP (66 Wounds)

Lista muy curiosa y primera que vemos de este estilo que junto varios Caballeros del Caos siempre poderosisimos dirigidos por Abaddon y escoltados por varios demonios de Tzeentch. Mezcla muy curiosa que sale invicta de este torneo y que es una nueva formula de lista.
1º From Hell Project – Vidar – Chaos Knights – 5/0
== Supreme Command Squad DETACHMENT : Chaos Space Marines (0 CP) [15CP, 300pts] == Chapter Tactic : Black Legion – Black Crusaders
HQ: Abaddon the Despoiler (300) [300 pts] [15 PL] – Warlord
== Patrol DETACHMENT : Chaos Daemons (0 CP) [22CP, 485pts] == Chapter Tactic : Legiones Daemonica
HQ: Changecaster (80), bolt of change, Infernal flames [80 pts] [4 PL]
TR: 10 Bloodletters (130) Daemonic Icon, Instrument of Chaos [130 pts] [6 PL]
– Bloodreaper (0)
EL: 6 Flamers (75 + 3*25) [150 pts] [6 PL]
– Pyrocaster (0)
EL: 5 Flamers (75 + 2*25) [125 pts] [6 PL]
– Pyrocaster (0)
== Super-Heavy DETACHMENT : Chaos Knights (-3 CP) [65CP, 1215pts] == Chapter Tactic : Herpetrax – Dauntless
LOW: 3 War Dog Brigand (155 + 2*155): Diabolus heavy stubber [465 pts] [24 PL]
LOW: 3 War Dog Stalker (145 + 2*145): Diabolus heavy stubber, Reaper chaintalon [435 pts] [24 PL]
LOW: 2 War Dog Stalker (145 + 1*145): Diabolus heavy stubber, Reaper chaintalon.
– LOW3a Character, Pyrothrone: winds of the warp, Relic (-1 CP), Relic : Helm of Dogs
– LOW3b
[315 pts] [17 PL]

Pues claro que diez pequeñocs caballeros dirigidos por un inmenso Errante es una poderosa armada que siempre en buenas manos funciona muy bien en los torneos…..
2º Cheseaux Buccaneers Open 2022 – Raphael Tripod – 4/0/1
= Imperial Knights – Custom Household – Super-Heavy Detachment = -3CP, [80 PL, 1535 pts] == Questor Allegiance:
Chivalric Oath: Defend the Realm, Refuse no Challenge
Questor Imperialis (Vow of Honour), Martial Tradition: Noble Combatants
LOW: Knight Errant [24 PL, 465pts] (WARLORD) Questor Ironhail Heavy Stubber, Twin Icarus Autocannon.
.Knight Lances (Character). Exalted Court: Herald
.Relic: The Helm Dominatus (-1CP).Warlord Trait: Landstrider (-1CP)
LOW: 2 Armiger Warglaives [16 PL, 300pts]
.Armiger Warglaive: Meltagun
.Armiger Warglaive: Meltagun
LOW: 1 Armiger Warglaives [8 PL, 150pts]
.Armiger Warglaive: Meltagun
LOW: Knight Moirax [16 PL, 310pts]
.Knight Moirax: 2x Siege Claw and Rad Cleanser, Knight Baron: Revered Knight
.Knight Moirax: 2x Siege Claw and Rad Cleanser
LOW: Knight Moirax [16 PL, 310pts]
.Knight Moirax: 2x Siege Claw and Rad Cleanser
.Knight Moirax: 2x Siege Claw and Rad Cleanser
== Imperial Knights – Freeblade – Super-Heavy Auxiliary Detachment = -1CP, [24 PL, 465 pts] == Questor Allegiance:
Questor Imperialis, Martial Tradition: Hunters of Beasts
LOW: 3 Armiger Helverins [24 PL, 465pts]
.Armiger Helverin: Questor Ironhail Heavy Stubber
.Armiger Helverin: Questor Ironhail Heavy Stubber
.Armiger Helverin: Questor Ironhail Heavy Stubber, Heirlooms of the Household: The Bastard’s Helm (-1CP)
Command Points: 2
Si quereis conocer más la estrategia de cada una de estas listas, AQUI en el artículo original os dan muchos datos de como funcionan en mesa y sus puntos fuertes.