Listas Competitivas – Lo que esta poco a poco dominando en Warhammer 40000

Hoy os traemos nuevas listas competitivas desde Tozudos 40k que han rescatado como siempre sabiamente de los últimos torneos de la semana pasada.

Estas listas de hoy se estan comenzando a asentar y mucho como listas a batir y listas habituales muy poderosas que os podéis encontrar en los próximos torneos con muchas probabilidades o de las que podéis aprender para mejorar las vuestras.

Mete y mete y remete noblez y meganoblez y eso ahora mismo funciona por todas partes.

1º Wydjaz – Orks (Bully) – 5/0 – 87/100


Big Mek in Mega Armour (100 pts): Power klaw, Kustom mega-blasta. Grot oiler, Kustom force field
Big Mek in Mega Armour (100 pts): Power klaw, Kustom mega-blasta. Grot oiler, Kustom force field

Painboy (70 pts): ’Urty syringe, Power klaw. Grot orderly

Warboss (75 pts): Kombi-weapon, Twin slugga, Attack squig, Power klaw. Enhancement: ‘Eadstompa (+10 pts)
Warboss (65 pts): Kombi-weapon, Twin slugga, Attack squig, Power klaw

Warboss in Mega Armour (105 pts): ’Uge choppa, Big shoota. Warlord. Enhancement: Tellyporta (+25 pts)


10x Boyz (85 pts). Boss Nob: Big choppa, Slugga


11x Gretchin (40 pts)10x Gretchin, Runtherd

10x Kommandos (135 pts). 1x Boss Nob: Slugga, Power klaw. 9x Kommandos: 1x Breacha ram, 1x Burna, 1x Rokkit launcha. Bomb Squig, Distraction Grot

6x Meganobz (180 pts): Twin killsaw
6x Meganobz (180 pts): Twin killsaw
6x Meganobz (180 pts): Twin killsaw

10x Nobz (210 pts): Power klaw, Slugga. 2x Ammo Runt

5x Nobz (105 pts): Power klaw, Slugga. Ammo Runt
5x Nobz (105 pts): Power klaw, Slugga. Ammo Runt

5x Stormboyz (65 pts). 1x Boss Nob: Slugga, Power klaw
5x Stormboyz (65 pts). 1x Boss Nob: Slugga, Power klaw

1x Trukk (65 pts): Big shoota, Spiked wheels, Wreckin’ ball
1x Trukk (65 pts): Big shoota, Spiked wheels, Wreckin’ ball

T’au Kauyon con 3 Riptides, 3 Sky Ray, 6 Crisis, 3 Comandantes y un Cabezamartillo.

2º El Gringo – T’au Empire – 5/0 – 83/100

Commander in Coldstar Battlesuit (130 pts): Warlord, Battlesuit fists, 2x Twin pulse carbine, Cyclic ion blaster, 3x Missile pod. Enhancement: Exemplar of the Kauyon (+20 pts)
Commander in Coldstar Battlesuit (125 pts): Battlesuit fists, 2x Twin pulse carbine, Cyclic ion blaster, 3x Missile pod. Enhancement: Precision of the Patient Hunter (+15 pts)

Commander Farsight (105 pts): Dawn Blade, High-intensity plasma rifle

3x Stealth Battlesuits (60 pts). 1x Stealth Shas’vre: Battlesuit support system, Homing beacon, Marker Drone, Shield Drone, Battlesuit fists, Fusion blaster
3x Stealth Battlesuits (60 pts). 1x Stealth Shas’vre: Battlesuit support system, Homing beacon, Marker Drone, Shield Drone, Battlesuit fists, Fusion blaster
3x Stealth Battlesuits (60 pts). 1x Stealth Shas’vre: Battlesuit support system, Homing beacon, Marker Drone, Shield Drone, Battlesuit fists, Fusion blaster

1x Krootox Riders (35 pts): Krootox fists, Repeater cannon
1x Krootox Riders (35 pts): Krootox fists, Repeater cannon

3x Crisis Fireknife Battlesuits (150 pts): Shield Drone, Twin pulse carbine, 2x Missile pod
3x Crisis Fireknife Battlesuits (150 pts): Shield Drone, Twin pulse carbine, 2x Missile pod

1x Hammerhead Gunship (130 pts): Armoured hull, Railgun, 2x Seeker missile, 2x Accelerator burst cannon

1x Riptide Battlesuit (180 pts): Riptide fists, Ion accelerator, 2x Missile pod, Twin plasma rifle
1x Riptide Battlesuit (180 pts): Riptide fists, Ion accelerator, 2x Missile pod, Twin plasma rifle
1x Riptide Battlesuit (180 pts): Riptide fists, Ion accelerator, 2x Missile pod, Twin plasma rifle

1x Sky Ray Gunship (140 pts): Armoured hull, Seeker missile rack, 2x Accelerator burst cannon
1x Sky Ray Gunship (140 pts): Armoured hull, Seeker missile rack, 2x Accelerator burst cannon
1x Sky Ray Gunship (140 pts): Armoured hull, Seeker missile rack, 2x Accelerator burst cannon

Tenemos una lista muy equilibrada de Astra Militarum que se centra en la potencia de un Rogal Dorn y dos Demolisher rodeados por diferentes tropas cada una para cumplir sus funciones.

4º Immortus – Astra Militarum – 4/0/1 – 73/100


5x Cadian Command Squad (80 points). 1x Cadian Commander: Plasma pistol, Power fist. Enhancement: Grand Strategist (15 points). 4x Cadian Veteran Guardsman: 1x Plasma gun & Plasma pistol, 1x Master Vox, 1x Medi-pack, 1x Regimental Standard

6x Gaunt’s Ghosts (100 points)

Lord Solar Leontus (125 points). Warlord

5x Militarum Tempestus Command Squad (70 points). 1x Tempestor Prime: Command Rod, Tempestus dagger. 4x Tempestus Scion: 1x Hot-shot volley gun, 1x Plasma gun, 1x Meltagun, 1x Grenade launcher

Ursula Creed (55 points)

20x Cadian Shock Troops (120 points). 2x Shock Trooper Sergeant: Chainsword, Laspistol. 18x Shock Trooper: 2x Meltagun, 2x Plasma gun, 2x Vox-caster.

9x Infantry Squad (60 points). 1x Sergeant: Plasma pistol, Power weapon. 7x Guardsman: 1x Plasma gun, 1x Vox-caster. 1x Heavy Weapons Team: Mortar


5x Attilan Rough Riders (60). Sergeant: 1x Power sabre. 4x Rough Rider: 3x Hunting lance, 1x Goad lance

1x Basilisk (150 points): 1x Earthshaker cannon, 1x Heavy bolter, 1x Hunter-killer missile

6x Bullgryn Squad (180 points): Brute Shield, Bullgryn maul

1x Hellhound (115 points): 1x Heavy flamer, 1x Hunter-killer missile, 1x Inferno cannon

1x Leman Russ Demolisher (200 points): 1x Demolisher battle cannon, 1x Heavy stubber, 1x Hunter-killer missile, 1x Lascannon, 2x Multi-melta
1x Leman Russ Demolisher (200 points): 1x Demolisher battle cannon, 1x Heavy stubber, 1x Hunter-killer missile, 1x Lascannon, 2x Multi-melta

5x Ratling Snipers (60 points)

1x Rogal Dorn Battle Tank (260 points): 1x Co-axial autocannon, 1x Heavy stubber, 2x Meltagun, 2x Multi-melta, 1x Oppressor cannon, 1x Pulveriser cannon

1x Scout Sentinels (60 points): 1x Hunter-killer missile, 1x Lascannon, 1x Sentinel chainsaw

10x Tempestus Scions (100 points). 1x Tempestor: Plasma pistol, Power fist. 9x Tempestus Scion: 2x Meltagun, 2x Plasma gun

Ahora a vosotros a sacarle el máximo partido al gran saber táctico que hay en estas listas.

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