Listas Competitivas – Warhammer 40000 y esos buenos toques tácticos que aprender

Bienvenidos a un nuevo día por la Scola Tacticumo donde nuevamente tenemos una interesantes listas competitivas fuertes a conocer y a analizar desde un gran torneo internacional de Warhammer 40000

Esta vez todas ests listas llegan desde un gran torneo de Austria y por supuesto son los amigos de Tozudos 40k los que han hecho un gran trabajo de recopilación y los que os hablan más profundamente de cada una de las listas si estais interesados.


Al rico fuego de Tzeentch que tanto duele y tanto da.

== Tzeentch Arks of Omen == 0 CP, 2000 pts, 97 PL

HQ1: Daemon Prince of Chaos: Infernal Gateway, Malefic talons, Stratagem: Relic, Treason of Tzeentch, Tzeentch (Smite), Warpfire Blade, Wings [185 pts, 9 PL, -1 CP]
HQ2: Fluxmaster: Disc blades, Gaze of Fate, Infernal Flames, Smite, Staff of change [115 pts, 6 PL]
HQ3: Lord of Change: Baleful sword, Bolt of Change, Boon of Change, Incorporeal Form, Infernal Gateway, Master Mutator, Relics of the Impossible Fortress, Smite, Stratagem: Warlord Trait, The Impossible Robe, Warlord [355 pts, 17 PL, -2 CP]

TR1: Blue Horrors: 10xBlue Horror (Coruscating flames) [70 pts, 3 PL]
TR2: Pink Horrors: Daemonic icon, Instrument of Chaos, Iridescent Horror, 9xPink Horror [140 pts, 7 PL]
TR3: Pink Horrors: Daemonic icon, Instrument of Chaos, Iridescent Horror, 9xPink Horror [140 pts, 7 PL]

EL1: Exalted Flamer [75 pts, 4 PL]
EL2: Exalted Flamer [75 pts, 4 PL]
EL3: Exalted Flamer [75 pts, 4 PL]
EL4: Flamers: 5xFlamer, Pyrocaster [150 pts, 6 PL]
EL5: Flamers: 4xFlamer, Pyrocaster [125 pts, 6 PL]
EL6: Flamers: 5xFlamer, Pyrocaster [150 pts, 6 PL]

FA1: Screamers: 3xScreamer [75 pts, 4 PL]
FA2: Screamers: 3xScreamer [75 pts, 4 PL]
FA3: Screamers: 3xScreamer [75 pts, 4 PL]

HS1: Burning Chariot: Fire of Tzeentch, Screamer bites [120 pts, 6 PL]


Un enorme aguante en mesa que los deja como de los más duros y resistentens y luego los Hekaton y los Hearthguard con mucho fuego para acabar con el enemigo.

== Greater Thurian League arks of omen heavy support compulsory detachement= 0 CP, [101 PL, 2000 pts] ==

HQ: Brôkhyr Forge-master [5 PL, 115 pts] Brôkhyr Forge-master, Brôkhyr Iron-master, E-COG (Autoch-pattern bolt pistol), E-COG (Manipulator arms), E-COG (Plasma torch), Ironkin Assistant (Las-beam cutter), Master Armourer, Stratagem: Legend of the League
HQ: Ûthar the Destined [7 PL, 160 pts] Ancestral Bearing, Experienced Eye, Stratagem: Warlord Trait, Warlord

EL: Hearthguard w/ disintegrators and plasma blade gauntlets [18 PL, 315 pts] 6xHearthguard, Hesyr (Stratagem: Bequest of the Votann, Teleport crest, Wârpestryk)

FA: Hernkyn Pioneers [5 PL, 120 pts] Pioneer, Pioneer w/ HYLas rotary cannon (Magna-coil autocannon), Pioneer w/ scanner
FA: Hernkyn Pioneers [5 PL, 125 pts] Pioneer w/ HYLas rotary cannon (Magna-coil autocannon), Pioneer w/ scanner, Pioneer w/ searchlight
FA: Hernkyn Pioneers [5 PL, 125 pts] Pioneer w/ HYLas rotary cannon (Magna-coil autocannon), Pioneer w/ scanner, Pioneer w/ searchlight

HS: Brôkhyr Thunderkyn w/ graviton blast cannons [10 PL, 140 pts] 4xBrôkhyr Thunderkyn
HS: Brôkhyr Thunderkyn w/ graviton blast cannons [10 PL, 140 pts] 4xBrôkhyr Thunderkyn
HS: Brôkhyr Thunderkyn w/ graviton blast cannons [10 PL, 140 pts] 4xBrôkhyr Thunderkyn
HS: Hekaton Land Fortress [13 PL, 310 pts] Heavy magna-rail cannon, Pan spectral scanner, 2xTwo bolt cannons
HS: Hekaton Land Fortress [13 PL, 310 pts] Heavy magna-rail cannon, Pan spectral scanner, 2xTwo bolt cannons


Pues pongame cuatro escuadras de Bersekers acompañando a 20 Eightbounds y a destripar al enegimo sin problemas.

== World Eaters Arks of Omen == 0 CP, 1845 pts, 101 PL

HQ1: Lord Invocatus: Bolt pistol, Coward’s Bane, Juggernaut’s bladed horn, Road of Eight Bloody Steps, Stratagem: Warlord Trait, Warlord [160 pts, 8 PL, -1 CP]
HQ2: World Eaters Master of Executions: Axe of dismemberment, Bolt pistol, Stratagem: Relic, Talisman of Rage [65 pts, 4 PL, -1 CP]

TR1: Jakhals: Dishonoured w/ skullsmasher (Jakhal chainblades, Skullsmasher), Jakhal Pack Leader (Autopistol, Jakhal chainblades), Jakhal icon, 8xJakhal w/ chainblades (Autopistol, Jakhal chainblades) [80 pts, 4 PL]
TR2: Khorne Berserkers: Berserker icon, Khorne Berserker Champion (Berserker chainblade, Bolt pistol), 3xKhorne Berserker w/ chainblade (Berserker chainblade, Bolt pistol), Khorne Berserker w/ eviscerator (Bolt pistol, Khornate eviscerator) [120 pts, 6 PL]
TR3: Khorne Berserkers: Berserker icon, Khorne Berserker Champion (Berserker chainblade, Bolt pistol), 3xKhorne Berserker w/ chainblade (Berserker chainblade, Bolt pistol), Khorne Berserker w/ eviscerator (Bolt pistol, Khornate eviscerator) [120 pts, 6 PL]
TR4: Khorne Berserkers: Berserker icon, Khorne Berserker Champion (Berserker chainblade, Bolt pistol), 3xKhorne Berserker w/ chainblade (Berserker chainblade, Bolt pistol), Khorne Berserker w/ eviscerator (Bolt pistol, Khornate eviscerator) [120 pts, 6 PL]
TR5: Khorne Berserkers: Berserker icon, Khorne Berserker Champion (Berserker chainblade, Bolt pistol), 3xKhorne Berserker w/ chainblade (Berserker chainblade, Bolt pistol), Khorne Berserker w/ eviscerator (Bolt pistol, Khornate eviscerator) [120 pts, 6 PL]
TR6: Khorne Berserkers: Khorne Berserker Champion (Berserker chainblade, Bolt pistol), 3xKhorne Berserker w/ chainblade (Berserker chainblade, Bolt pistol), Khorne Berserker w/ eviscerator (Bolt pistol, Khornate eviscerator) [115 pts, 6 PL]

EL1: Eightbound: 3xEightbound (2xEightbound eviscerator), Eightbound Champion (Lacerators) [160 pts, 12 PL]
EL2: Eightbound: 3xEightbound (2xEightbound eviscerator), Eightbound Champion (Lacerators) [160 pts, 12 PL]
EL3: Eightbound: 2xEightbound (2xEightbound eviscerator), Eightbound Champion (Lacerators) [120 pts, 6 PL]
EL4: Exalted Eightbound: 2xExalted Eightbound (Eightbound chainfist, Eightbound eviscerator), Exalted Eightbound Champion (Two Eightbound chainfists (2xEightbound chainfist)) [135 pts, 7 PL]
EL5: Exalted Eightbound: 2xExalted Eightbound (Eightbound chainfist, Eightbound eviscerator), Exalted Eightbound Champion (Two Eightbound chainfists (2xEightbound chainfist)) [135 pts, 7 PL]

FA1: Chaos Spawn: Chaos Spawn [25 pts, 1 PL]
FA2: Chaos Spawn: Chaos Spawn [25 pts, 1 PL]
FA3: Chaos Spawn: Chaos Spawn [25 pts, 1 PL]

DT1: Chaos Rhino: Combi-bolter [80 pts, 4 PL]
DT2: Chaos Rhino: Combi-bolter [80 pts, 4 PL]

== Super-Heavy Auxiliary Detachment == 0 CP, 155 pts, 8 PL

LOW1: War Dog Executioner Squadron: Iconoclast Dreadblade, War Dog Executioner (Diabolus heavy stubber, 2xWar Dog autocannon), Worthy Offerings [155 pts, 8 PL]

Ahora te toca a ti ir poco a poco para sacar detalles e ideas para tus próximas listas.

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