Ya tenemos la primera gran nave imperial para X-Wing: Llega el Imperial Raider

Pues si, un buen amigo me lo acaba de decir, el juego de moda actualmente, X-Wing recibira en breve, solamente ahora mismo es el anuncio por Fantasy Flight Games, la primera gran nave del Imperio.


Sera el Imperial Raider, un destructor que podra por fin hacer frente (y seguro atemorizar si es como en las peliculas) a las naves de mayor tamaño de la Rebelión que hasta ahora no tenian rivales de su talla. La cosa se iguala y seguro que todos los comandantes imperiales estan saltando de alegria y preparandose para hacerse con ella para acabar con la escoria rebelde.

Os dejo unas cuantas imagenes para que conozcáis graficamente lo que sera este nueve producto para X-Wing. AQUI podéis leer en ingles la noticia directamente.





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4 comentarios

  1. No, los de FFG explican que no había ninguna nave imperial del tamaño adecuado para este formato y que por eso, en colaboración con Lucasfilm, se han inventado esta.

    A mi me parece q han hecho un buen trabajo. Sigue en la línea de los destructores y esas «alas» de interceptor le hacen parecer muy agresivo

  2. The impetus behind the Raider-class corvette came from a desire to produce an Imperial ship for X-Wing that was comparable in size and role to the Rebel corvette.

    “Before we even announced the Tantive IV™ Expansion Pack, we knew Imperial players would need a comparable ship to lead their fleets in the game’s Epic Play battles. But none of the ships within the established IP and extended universe quite fit the bill. As we looked at ships that were larger than the VT-49 Decimator, the next possibility was the Lancer-class frigate at 250m; however, that was larger than we wanted for the scope of the game. Moreover, it didn’t quite fit the desired role, so we worked with Lucasfilm Ltd. and drew upon existing materials to create a new starship that fit seamlessly into the aesthetics and background of the Star Warsuniverse.

    “The result was a cross between a Star Destroyer and a single-pilot fighter, something fast and aggressive.

    “The Raider is a starship made specifically for anti-fighter warfare. Its six dual heavy laser cannons proved more accurate against snubfighters than the turbolaser batteries of its Star Destroyer cousins, and the disruptive effects of its ion cannon emplacements, along with the efficiency of its localized command, make it a powerful addition to small strike forces.

    “It’s also a ship that’s particularly well-suited to fighting alongside a number of TIE Advanced. Both the Raider-class corvette and TIE Advanced are well-suited to quick assault missions. They are both equipped with hyperdrives and enough defenses to stand up to a wide range of threats. They can jump into a sector, launch a quick assault, and then jump away. Then, they can leave after the mission is complete. This makes them ideal vessels for use in the Outer Rim, and this is an idea that you’ll be able to explore even further within the context of the expansion’s campaign.”

  3. gabriel angelos

    buenas una pregunta: ¿en que película aparece o se menciona el imperial raider, es que nunca e oído ese vehículo en ninguna parte?

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