Warhammer 40000 Novena Edición – Costes Tiranidos

Hoy os damos una nueva dosis de Novena Edición con los nuevos cambios en coste de puntos en esta ocasión de la raza de los Tiranidos

Un buen número de cambios para los bichitos que bueno esperamos pronto se confirmen.

Biovores +10
Broodlord +10
Carnifexes +13
Exocrine +15
Gargoyles +2
Genestealers +5
Harpy +25
Haruspex +20
Hive Crone +20
Hive Guard +22
Hive Tyrant +12
Hive Tyrant with Wings +10
Hormagaunts +1
Lictor +2
Maleceptor +10
Mawloc +21
Mucolid Spores +2
Neurothrope +5
Pyrovores +3
Raveners +3
Ripper Swarms +1
Screamer-Killers +15
Spore Mines +0

Sporocyst +6
Termagants +1
Tervigon +38
Thornbacks +10
Toxicrene +25
Trygon +12
Trygon Prime +22
Tyranid Prime +5
Tyranid Warriors +3
Tyrannocyte +15
Tyrannofex +39
Tyrant Guard +3
Venomthropes +3
Zoanthropes +5

Deathleaper +5
Old One Eye +20
The Red Terror +5
The Swarmlord +20

Acid spray -15
Barbed strangler +0
Bio-electric pulse +0
Bio-electric pulse with containment spines +0
Bio-plasma +10
Bio-plasmic cannon +0
Bio-plasmic scream +0
Choking spores +0
Deathspitter with slimer maggots +3
Devourer +0
Devourer with brainleech worms +3
Drool cannon +0
Flesh hooks +1
Fleshborer +0
Fleshborer hive +0
Grasping tongue +0
Heavy venom cannon +2
Impaler cannon -15
Massive toxic lashes +0
Rupture cannon -15
Shockcannon -21
Spine banks +3
Spinefists (Ravener and Tyranid Warrior) +1
Spinefists (Termagant) 0
Spinemaws +1
Spore mine launcher +0
Spore node +0
Stinger salvo +7
Stranglethorn cannon +0
Tentaclids +0
Toxic lashes +0
Venom cannon +3

Adrenal glands ( Monsters ) +0
Adrenal glands (other units) +0
Chitin thorns +0
Enhanced senses +0
Extended carapace +0
Spore cysts +0
Toxin sacs (Hormagaunt) +0
Toxin sacs (Hive Guard, Mawloc,
Termagant, Tervigon, Tyrant Guard
and Tyrannofex) +5
Toxin sacs (Trygon and Trygon Prime) +2
Toxin sacs 5

Acid maw +0
Biostatic rattle +0
Blinding venom +0
Bone mace +3
Boneswords +1
Claws and teeth +0
Crushing claws -2
Distensible jaws +0
Grasping talons +0
Lash whip and bonesword +1
Lash whip and monstrous bonesword +0
Massive crushing claws +0
Massive scything talons +0
(Tervigon and Maleceptor) +0
Massive scything talons +0
(two or more pairs) (Trygon and Trygon Prime)
Massive toxic lashes +0
Monstrous acid maw +0
Monstrous boneswords +0
Monstrous crushing claws 15
Monstrous rending claws +0
Monstrous scything talons (Carnifex) +1
Monstrous scything talons (Hive Tyrant) +5
Monstrous scything talons (two pairs) +0
Monstrous scything talons (two pairs) (Hive Tyrant) +0
Powerful limbs
Prehensile pincer tail
Ravenous maw
Rending claws 0(genestealer)/2 others
Thresher scythe -2

Como siempre pues que estos cambios en puntos os sean de buen agrado y buenos para vuestras listas.

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