Os invitamos a hacer hoy con nosotros un viaje en nuestra sección de Listas Competitivas para conocer las mejores listas que se han visto en el Segundo Torneo más grande de Inglaterra.
Desde Nottingham un total de 375 jugadores han disputado este torneo y gracias a los chicos de Tozudos 40k podemos conocer estas poderosas listas.

Tenemos una lista con el recien nuevo llegado Destacamento de Demonios del Caos que recibimos en Navidad y parece ser una lista que durante los próximos meses va a ser muy poderosa y temida.
1º Will Whitaker – Chaos Daemons (Slaanesh) – 7/0
The tempta lord (1990 Points)
Chaos Daemons – Legion of Excess
Keeper of Secrets (320 Points): Shining Aegis. Enhancements: false majesty
Keeper of Secrets (290 Points): Shining Aegis
Syll’Esske (120 Points)
The Masque of Slaanesh (85 Points)
Tormentbringer on Exalted Seeker Chariot (140 Points)
Tranceweaver (60 Points)
10 Daemonettes (100 Points): 1x Daemonic Icon, 1x Instrument of Chaos
10 Plaguebearers (110 Points): 1x Daemonic Icon, 1x Instrument of Chaos
6 Fiends (210 Points)
6 Fiends (210 Points)
3 Fiends (105 Points)
10 Seekers (160 Points): 1x Daemonic Icon, 1x Instrument of Chaos
5 Seekers (80 Points): 1x Daemonic Icon, 1x Instrument of Chaos

Una extraña e irreconocible lista de Angeles Sangrientos ambientada más en un ejército básico de Marines Genéricos que no lleva casi nada carismático de Sangrientos y que ha quedado segunda. Curioso y extraño.
2º Innes Wilson – Blood Angels (Liberator) – 6/1
Blood Angels – Liberator Assault Group
Captain (80 points). Warlord. 1x Plasma pistol, 1x Power fist
Captain (105 points): 1x Plasma pistol, 1x Power fist. Enhancement: Rage-fuelled Warrior
Librarian in Phobos Armour (70 points)
5 Assault Intercessor Squad (75 points). Sergeant: 1x Hand flamer, 1x Power fist
5 Intercessor Squad (80 points). Sergeant: 1x Astartes grenade launcher, 1x Bolt rifle, 1x Power fist
5 Intercessor Squad (80 points). Sergeant: 1x Astartes grenade launcher, 1x Bolt rifle, 1x Power fist
Impulsor (80 points): 1x Ironhail heavy stubber, 1x Shield Dome, 2x Storm bolter
Impulsor (80 points): 1x Ironhail heavy stubber, 1x Shield Dome, 2x Storm bolter
5 Assault Intercessors with Jump Packs (90 points). Sergeant: 1x Plasma pistol, 1x Power fist. 4x Assault Intercessors: 1x Plasma pistol
5 Assault Intercessors with Jump Packs (90 points). Sergeant: 1x Plasma pistol, 1x Power fist. 4x Assault Intercessors: 1x Plasma pistol
5 Assault Intercessors with Jump Packs (90 points). Sergeant: 1x Plasma pistol, 1x Power fist. 4x Assault Intercessors: 1x Plasma pistol
5 Desolation Squad (200 points). Sergeant: 1x Vengor launcher. 4x Desolation Marine: Superkrak rocket launcher
5 Incursor Squad (80 points): 1x Haywire Mine
5 Infiltrator Squad (100 points): 1x Helix Gauntlet, 1x Infiltrator Comms Array
5 Infiltrator Squad (100 points): 1x Helix Gauntlet, 1x Infiltrator Comms Array
5 Reiver Squad (80 points): 1x Reiver Grav-chute
5 Scout Squad (70 points): 1x Missile launcher, 1x Scout sniper rifle
5 Sternguard Veteran Squad (100 points). 1x Sergeant: 1x Power fist. 4x Sternguard Veteran: 1x Sternguard heavy bolter
Vindicator (175 points): 1x Demolisher cannon, 1x Hunter-killer missile, 1x Storm bolter
Vindicator (175 points): 1x Demolisher cannon, 1x Hunter-killer missile, 1x Storm bolter

Y para finalizar una lista de Ultramarines Gladius con Guilliman y nada menos que seis vehículos de disparo para formar una poderosa línea de disparo y derribo.
3º Josh Roberts – Ultramarines (Gladius) – 5/1
Nottingham GT 2025 (1995 points)
Ultramarines – Gladius Task Force
Captain in Gravis Armour (90 points): 1x boltstorm gauntlet, 1x power fist, 1x Relic blade. Enhancement: Artificer Armour
Lieutenant with Combi-weapon (70 points)
Marneus Calgar (200 points)
Roboute Guilliman (345 points). Warlord
Ballistus Dreadnought (130 points)
Ballistus Dreadnought (130 points)
Ballistus Dreadnought (130 points)
Company Heroes (95 points)
Incursor Squad (80 points): 1x Haywire Mine
Infiltrator Squad (100 points): 1x Helix Gauntlet, 1x Infiltrator Comms Array
Vindicator (175 points): 1x Demolisher cannon, 1x Hunter-killer missile, 1x Storm bolter
Vindicator (175 points): 1x Demolisher cannon, 1x Hunter-killer missile, 1x Storm bolter
Vindicator (175 points): 1x Demolisher cannon, 1x Hunter-killer missile, 1x Storm bolter
Callidus Assassin (100 points)
Saca ahora tus conclusiones y aprovecha las buenas premisas tácticas de estas listas para mejorar las tuyas.