Cambio en Costes de Puntos de Marines del Caos en Novena

Vamos con otro pequeño avance sobre Warhammer 40000 novena edición esta vez destinado a los muchos de entre vosotros Señores de los Marines del Caos

Y aquí una larga lista de los cambios en puntos de octava a novena que se presupone para estos seguidores de los Dioses Oscuros.

Chaos Lord +6pts
Chaos Lord in TerminatorArmour +0pts
Chaos Lord with Jump Pack +12pts
Daemon Prince +4pts
Daemon Prince with Wings +30pts
Dark Apostle +8pts
Exalted Champion +5pts
Lord Discordant on Helstalker +30pts
Master of Executions +5pts
Master of Possession +15pts
Sorcerer +10pts
Sorcerer in Terminator Armour +5pts
Sorcerer with Jump Pack +7pts
Warpsmith +15pts

Chaos Cultists +2pts
Chaos Space Marines +3pts

Chosen +3pts
Dark Disciples +0
Fallen +3pts
Greater Possessed +5pts
Helbrute +10pts
Khorne Berzerkers +2pts
Mutilators +0pts
Noise Marines +3pts
Plague Marines +2pts
Possessed +3pts
Rubric Marines +2pts
Terminators +0pts

Bikers +4pts
Chaos Spawn +3pts
Raptors +3pts
Warp Talons +8pts

Noctilith Crown +5pts

Chaos Land Raider -5pts
Chaos Predator +5pts
Chaos Vindicator +5pts
Defiler +0pts
Forgefiend +5pts
Havocs +2pts
Maulerfiend +20pts
Obliterators +10pts
Venomcrawler +15pts

Chaos Rhino +10pts

Khorne Lord of Skulls +35pts

Helldrake +10pts

Bloodletters +1pts
Daemonettes +1pts

Abaddon the Despoiler +10pts
Cypher +5pts
Fabius Bile +10pts & 5pts for acolyte
Haarken Worldclaimer +3pts
Huron Blackheart +5pts
Khârn the Betrayer -5pts
Lucius the Eternal +5pts

Autocannon +5pts on non inf
Autogun /
Baleflamer +0
Battle cannon +0
Blastmaster -2pts
Blight launcher +0pts
Bolt pistol +0
Boltgun +0
Combi-bolter +1
Combi-flamer +2
Combi-melta -5
Combi-plasma -1
Daemongore cannon -10pts
Demolisher cannon +0pts
Doom siren +2pts
Ectoplasma cannon +0pts
Excruciator cannon +0pts
Flamer -1pts
Fleshmetal guns +0pts
Gorestorm cannon -44pts
Hades autocannon +5pts
Hades gatling cannon +0pts
Havoc launcher -1pts
Heavy bolter +5pts on non inf
Heavy flamer -4/+1pts
Heavy stubber +3pts
Helbrute plasma cannon +4pts
Icarus lascannon Removed ?
Ichor cannon +0pts
Inferno bolt pistol +0
Inferno boltgun +0
Lascannon -10/-5pts
Lashing warp energies +0
Magma cutter -1pts
Meltagun -4pts
Missile launcher -5/+0pts
Multi-melta -2/+3pts
Plague belcher -2pts
Plague spewer -5pts
Plasma gun -1pts
Plasma pistol +0pts
Predator autocannon +0pts
Quad-gun Removed ?
Reaper autocannon +0pts
Reaper chaincannon +0
Shotgun +0pts
Skullhurler +0pts
Sonic blaster +1pts
Soulreaper cannon +0pts
Twin heavy bolter +13pts
Twin heavy flamer +2pts
Twin lascannon +0pts
Warp bolter +2pts
Warpflame pistol +2pts
Chainaxe +0pts
Chainfist -1pts
Chainsword +0pts
Crushing fists 0
Daemon jaws -8pts

Daemonic axe +0pts
Daemonic mutations +0pts
Defiler claws +0pts
Defiler scourge -2pts
Eviscerating claws +0pts
Flail of corruption +5pts
Fleshmetal weapons +0
Force axe +0
Force stave +0
Force sword +0
Great cleaver of Khorne+0
Great plague cleaver +0
Helbrute fist (single/pair) +0+0
Helbrute hammer +0
Heldrake claws +0
Hellforged sword +0
Hideous mutations +0
Horrifying mutations +0
Impaler chainglaive +0
Lasher tendrils -2pts

Lightning claws (single/pair) -1/0
Mace of contagion -2
Malefic talons (one set/two sets) 0/+5
Maulerfiend fists +0
Mechatendrils +0
Plague knife +0
Plaguesword -1
Power axe +0
Power fist +1
Power maul +1
Power scourge +0
Power sword +1
Soulflayer tendrils +0
Techno-virus injector +0
Thunder hammer (Characters) +0
Thunder hammer (other models) -1pts

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